Brawl Stars Tier List


In this article, we present our list of the best Brawlers in Brawl Stars, an online multiplayer fighting game developed by Supercell. This list will be divided into several categories to make it easier to understand and help players choose the Brawler that suits them best.

As a reminder, ‘S-Tier’ is the best, and then we’ll go down to finish on the ‘F-Tier’: the least good, which is the least Meta at the moment!

Tiers S – Indispensable Brawlers

S-Tier brawlers brawl star classement

S-Tier brawlers perform incredibly well in most metas and game modes. They work in all game modes, have a high win rate, have better stats than the others and will stand up the best!

The best brawlers to use in Brawl Stars are Maisie, Hank, R-T, Meg, Buster, Sam, Eve, Nita, Bonnie and Doug.

Tier A – The excellent Brawlers

A-Tier brawlers brawl star classement

A-level Brawlers are also of a high standard. They are excellent – and sometimes better – alternatives to their S-level compatriots. However, the power levels of A-level Brawlers may be slightly lower than those of S-level Brawlers, but they are still powerful and offer a wide range of abilities and attack options. They offer a wide range of abilities and attack options.

They include : Mr. P, Ash, Griff, Frank, 8-Bit, Gray, Bibi, Crow, Grom, Poco, Mandy, Surge, Spike, Bo, Jessie, Tara, Otis, Willow, Pam.

Tier B – Brawlers not too bad

B-Tier brawlers brawl star classement

It’s not as good, but it’s not that bad. If you want to challenge these brawlers, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Their stats are decent and their powers are still good enough to make a difference in a game.

The B-Tier list includes: Sandy, Gene, Leon, Lola, Penny, Gus, Chester, Janet, Amber, Emz, Fang, Rosa, Max, Ruffs, Lou, Darryl, Brock, Stu, Bea, Carl, Piper, Tick.

Tier C – Average brawlers

C-Tier brawlers brawl star classement

This is just average. These brawlers tend to be weak on their own in the game modes. That said, C-level brawlers with good team-mates can be effective on the battlefield.

The C List includes: Belle, Squeak, Gale, Nani, Buzz, Colette, Sprout, Colt, Jacky, Rico, El Primo.

Tier D: Brawlers not at all crazy

Level D Brawlers don’t have much to offer in terms of abilities or stats; they’re not great at all, they can’t do diff, there’s little synergy with other brawlers.

So we’ve got : Dynamike, Bull, Barley, Edgar.

Tier F: the bad Brawlers

The F-Tier brawlers are the worst brawlers currently in Brawl Stars. Their low stats, limited skills and lack of synergy with the other brawlers unfortunately put them at the bottom of our rankings.

They are : Shelly, Byron and Mortis.

Would you have done things differently? Tell us in the comments!

FAQ – Frequently asked questions

What is Brawl Stars?
Brawl Stars is an online multiplayer mobile fighting game developed by Supercell.

How is the list of Brawlers in the article classified?
The list of Brawlers in the article is classified into several categories ranging from S-Tier (the best) to F-Tier (the worst).

Which Brawlers are recommended in the S-Tier category?
The Brawlers recommended in the S-Tier category are R-T, Buster, Sam, Eve, Mandy, Bonnie, Gus, Otis and Willow.

Where can I buy Brawl Stars Gems with my phone?
You can buy Brawl Stars Gems with your phone on Alloparadise, where Apple and Google Play Store gift cards are available for purchase.

What Brawlers are in the F-Tier category?
The Brawlers in the F-Tier category are Shelly, Byron and Mortis.

Our original french article

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